Tuesday, June 3, 2014


One of the Mother’s Little Helpers was a heavy metal/alternative rock kind of teen who grew up to be a heavy metal/alternative rock kind of dad. Amongst the list of bands he favored were Smashing Pumpkins, Cake and Korn. Rock bands with food names. Interesting. That he grew up to be a foodie probably should not have come as a surprise to me.

Summertime is a good time for the other “corn”. You know, the vegetable. Fresh corn at this time of year can be less expensive to buy than canned or frozen. Growing your own is even less expensive! Another one of Mother’s Little Helpers is experimenting with growing his own corn this year and the crop is coming in nicely.

After it’s been cooked, it can be frozen or used fresh as a side dish or in a summer soup.

I like mine grilled with those nice char marks on the kernels. Then I strip it off the cob. In keeping with my frugal nature, I save the cobs for a vegetable stock when I prepare my ‘garbage soup’.

For an evening supper, combine chicken or vegetable stock and add kernels of corn, freshly skinned and seeded tomatoes, sliced onion, chopped garlic, slices of zucchini and/or summer squash, chopped celery and grated carrot to a pot. Add a bay leaf and spices such as black pepper (salt optional) and rosemary. As an extender, I add red kidney beans to the pot along with rice or pasta.

A large pot will feed four. Add salad and a loaf of garlic bread or garlic toast or leftover garlic hamburger buns and you have a meal!  And me? I’m hoping Mother’s Little Helper has a bumper crop of corn this year!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: If you know how to can, summertime is a great time to put up vegetables. Freezing is another method to store vegetables for future use. Stock up now while prices are lower and use them later when your favorite seasonal vegetables are higher in price.


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