Thursday, June 12, 2014


When the Mother’s Little Helpers were little, they loved to eat at buffet style restaurants. A light bulb moment flashed when I decided to bring the buffet concept to our kitchen!

With a refrigerator of assorted leftovers, not enough for a meal if served alone but enough if all leftovers were served at one meal, I stumbled upon a new way to use up leftovers.

Everyone loved the idea of picking out their favorite leftovers.

Leftovers were reheated and served from the kitchen counter. Each had a chance to “call dibs” on their dinner. It gave them a feeling of control over what they had for dinner that night and it gave me a feeling of wisely using food and not letting it go to waste.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: The only foods more appealing to my children than the dinner buffet leftovers were the dessert leftovers! It was affectionately called the “dessert salad bar” because it reminded them of going to a restaurant’s salad bar and selecting their favorites and placing them on their plates. In this case, they were to select one dessert. Just another idea of how to use up your leftovers, even desserts, and keep the family happy!

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