Friday, June 27, 2014


As a new bride, it was with enormous pride when I planted my first garden in my New England back yard. It blossomed very well and I had more vegetables than I knew what to do with. I was a novice cook so I literally did not know what to do with all those fresh vegetables.

Over time, I had always hoped to revisit my gardening days but it was not to happen.

Each spring, I feel pangs of guilt for not being a successful gardener.

Summertime rolls around and I marvel at all the gardeners that bring their treasures to the local farmer’s market to sell their crops. They reap what they sow. I neither reap nor sow.  

Then it happened! The guilt disappeared the morning that a very large deer grazed through my yard, munching as he roamed; taking his time to devour whatever seemed appetizing to him.

It also solved the mystery of the ever shrinking hibiscus plant. One day it was flowering, the next day the bloom was off the vine. The following day, it was the case of the vanishing leaves.

The mystery is no more.

One thing was for certain. Had there been a garden with vegetables back there, there would be vegetables no more. The “buck” indeed likes to stop here.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: With a good sale on pasta, I like to purchase tri-color pastas that are made with vegetables. It adds brightness and appeal as a dinner side dish or casserole. My price point for a box of pasta is 49 – 63 cents. The lower the price, the higher my stockpile!


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