Monday, May 12, 2014


To be successful in keeping a food budget, stick to the grocery list.

Sometimes, that is a hard task to do when unexpected, surprise ‘in-store’ specials glare at you with that invisible “buy me” neon sign flashing in front of you. A store may be needing to reduce inventory or it may be close to a "sell buy" date and prices are lowered for you, the shopper.

In cases of such great buys, I find myself sometimes tapping into the following week’s budget. For some months, that’s not problematic. Some months, it’s a problem.

Having tracked my spending for the past year, there were those months when overspending took place. It could have been as low as $20 or as much as $40.

Combine the unexpected in-store specials with a month of 5 weekends, and I’m pouring over the ledger book trying to make it balance.

Toss in a holiday during a 5-weekend month and I’m looking to take a scalpel to the budget.

Over the years, one solution that I have found was to “stockpile on sale” in advance of the holiday for those needed items. As the holiday draws near, this shortens my holiday shopping list. It spreads out the buying season (and my dollars) just a little bit longer.

Another tip that has helped was to purchase the in-store special and remove another item of comparable price off the list. Add chickens, remove laundry detergent. With the prices listed next to my groceries, I can quickly and easily swap out one or two items for my unexpected surprise item.

Lastly, if there is any money left at the end of the month [yes, rare as that is] set it aside for those months when you have overspent and need to use those dollars for the unexpected surprises.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: As you are compiling your grocery list, write down the purchase price next to your grocery item on your shopping list.

By doing this, there should be no surprise at the cash register of how much was spent during your shopping trip. Check your receipt to be sure you were not overcharged for an item. Some store policies will give you the item for free if it is the fault of the store.
                                   UNADVERTISED WHOLE CHICKENS @ .69/lb.

BREAD .39/LOAF with BOLOGNA $1.29 and CHEESE $1.50




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