Saturday, May 10, 2014


That moment in time when I realized that I could learn from Mother’s Little Helpers changed my relationship with them. There was not one defining moment but a plethora of them.

Reflecting back on this Mother’s Day Weekend, the most recent thing I learned was how to make sliders.

This is a frugal column, so my take on how to make sliders will have a frugal slant to it, but not absent in flavor.

My first experience eating sliders came with a sampling of cheeses, sliced in a variety of thicknesses. Diagonally laid across the top of each slider, there was goat cheese, brie cheese or sharp cheddar; then topped with its slider bun. Each looked very appealing to the eye and not at all disappointing to the stomach.

Given my need to ration sodium, a flavorful twist had to be devised in order that I could continue to consume these tiny squares of succulent meat.

Spinning around the spice rack, there it was…Caribbean Jerk Seasoning! This was a donation to my kitchen from another of Mother’s Little Helpers.

Some parents cringe when their Little Helpers move “stuff” back home but not me. I’ve been on the receiving end of some pretty neat “stuff”. The Caribbean Jerk Seasoning also came with a Sunbeam grill. It functions like the “George Foreman” brand, except it is made by Sunbeam. I digress….that will be a blog for another day!

With ground turkey, black beans in the freezer and Caribbean Jerk Seasoning on the spice rack, the components were all there for Caribbean turkey/black bean sliders. My griddle was warm and the sliders sizzled! The aroma of the spice filled the kitchen. I will be able to enjoy the slider experience without added salt but if I need to add some cheese, Swiss will be on hand in the refrigerator to top off my mini-burger in a bun experience.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Using beans as an extender to ground meat not only gives a greater yield to your meal but economically adds nutrients and fiber to your family’s diet.


                                                    READY FOR THE GRIDDLE

                                                           READY FOR SERVING


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