Monday, May 19, 2014


There was an awesome sale on Jennie-O ground turkey two weeks ago and I purchased two packages because I had two great coupons. One package made a tray of Caribbean turkey/black bean sliders while the other tray was saved for ground turkey stuffed mushrooms and turkey mushroom burgers.

After the stuffed mushrooms were prepared, the stems were set aside for turkey burger dinner. The weight of the mushrooms was 5 ounces. The weight of the ground turkey was 10 ounces. Adding an extender of mushroom stems increased the weight of the mixture to almost a pound.

By doing this, my yield of burgers “mushroomed” and it did not cost any additional money. The mushroom stems in some households may have been considered garbage but in this household, every last bit of food is used to some good.

Another healthy addition to ground turkey for burgers or sliders is pre-cooked black beans. I have tried them whole but in the future, I’m going to consider a rough mashing before mixing into the ground turkey. Sliders were too small for whole beans; they may work better for the larger burger.

With meat being the most expensive part of your dinner entrée, nutritious extenders make a little meat stretch a long way.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Use your imagination when adding extenders to ground meats. Chop green peppers, minced onions, or shredded carrots are other options that can add flavor, nutrition and volume to ground meats.
                                                    GROUND TURKEY

                              TURKEY MUSHROOM BURGERS FOR THE GRILL

                                       TURKEY BLACK BEAN SLIDERS



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