Thursday, April 17, 2014


As a child of the sixties, the generation before me touted that no one would ever pay for television. True to his word, my octogenarian dad does not pay for television. He will watch whatever is on network TV but he’s not interested in cable TV.

I ought to have a conversation with him about flavored water.

People pay a lot of money for flavor to enhance the taste of their water. One mom created a cottage industry from flavoring water. Her children’s water was flavored with fresh fruits and she would also serve it to her children’s friends when they came over to play. So many moms called her to find out what was the great tasting water that she served, she began making and selling it.

I began experimenting with different flavored waters at home. In keeping with my frugal nature, I would wash lemons, squeeze the juice into ice cube trays and save the lemon rinds for my pitcher of water. This principle works for oranges and limes as well.

Another type of flavored water that I find refreshing is cucumber water. After I wash and peel my cucumbers, I toss the rinds into a pitcher of water and refrigerate. The core of a pineapple? Once the pineapple is cubed, the center core is sliced thin and tossed into a pitcher of water. The next morning, I pour the pineapple flavored water into an insulated straw cups and I’m hydrating throughout the day on my homemade flavored water.

In keeping with my frugal nature, paying once yet using a product for two separate purposes brings joy to my life.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Remember the old adage “Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without”.
Lemons stay freshest in a Ziploc bag in the refrigerator


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