Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Depending on how strong the brew of tea, I can squeeze about three cups of tea from one tea bag.

The stronger the tea, the fewer the cups it would brew for me.  Once I read that tea steeps in the first 3 minutes, it occurred to me how much flavor was being wasted by over steeping and tossing it in the trash after one cup.

Look inside your refrigerator at various bottles that are almost down to the last drop. Is your first thought to toss it in the trash when you think it’s empty?

If it’s a bottle of barbeque sauce or hot sauce, consider adding about ¼ cup of water to it and shake it up for added flavor to soup. Not making soup right away? Freeze it in an ice cube tray for future use.

You thought the jar of mustard was empty? How about transforming it into honey mustard salad dressing!

No more pickles in the pickle jar? Pickle juice can take an ordinary cucumber and make it more flavorful instead of pouring it down the drain.

With a little imagination and the internet, the possibilities are endless!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Warming honey in the microwave for a few seconds will make it pour easier and allow you to minimize waste of this delicious but expensive sweetener!
                                             EMPTY JAR OF MUSTARD

                                                   HONEY MUSTARD DRESSING


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