Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Mother’s Little Helpers were clamoring for cookies one afternoon, asking how many cookies they were allowed to eat from the Nabisco cookie tray. I hadn’t a clue on the answer.

I suddenly heard myself saying “read the serving size and add one”. A rare moment of brilliance!

If the label read “2 cookies per serving”, then they could have 3 cookies. I’m glad the oldest never realized that the youngest was eating as many cookies as he was and he was almost 8 years older. If he did, he didn’t complain about it.

You see, age didn’t matter. They each had “the serving size plus one” and in their eyes, they all had the same. That was fair.

All the children ever cared about was fairness. If you’ve had children or been around children, how often have you heard the phrase “it’s not fair”? Life isn’t fair too often. But when it came to doling out Nabisco cookies, I could make sure that life was fair.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: To extend the longevity of your food or grocery items, measure the serving size. Whether it is coffee creamer, laundry detergent or Twinkies in a box, one reason for running out of an item too quickly is using too much of it at one time. When you don’t run out of food or grocery items, you are not replacing them as often. This leads to fewer trips to the store and more money in your wallet. After all, a penny saved IS a penny earned!

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