Sunday, July 13, 2014


In my weekly race against the cooking clock, I wanted to accomplish these tasks in twenty minutes. Cooks three types of beans; boil and peel eggs, make pasta salad and turkey chili.

All of the things that I needed to do were either already cooked and needed assembling or could be cooked in 12 minutes [ground turkey meat and eggs].

The hard boiled eggs would take the longest, I would start with eggs. I filled a pot with water, added my eggs and when the water boiled, I set the timer for 12 minutes for them to cook. Only a couple minutes were used off the clock.

Next, the turkey chili. The meat was browned and cooked in 10 minutes. While that was browning, the pressure cooker was cooking the first of three rounds of beans.

First round was navy beans. By starting with the lightest color bean first, I can reuse the hot water, decreasing my prep time waiting for water to come up to temperature for the next two pots of beans. Each pot of beans in the pressure cooker was going to take 5 - 6 minutes to cook. Three sets at 6 minutes each, I would have 2 minutes to spare which I used for draining and getting the next batch ready to cook. After navy beans, in went the garbanzo beans and last were the black beans.

Meat was done and drained; beans were cooking under pressure, next up to assemble was the pasta salad. Everything was cooked; it was just a matter of adding the ingredients to my 8-cup measuring cup and stir. Done, cover and into the refrigerator!  Quickly assemble the chili for the crock pot, cover and plug-in. Done.

Five minutes left on the timer. I dump the eggs into a bath of ice water to get them ready for peeling. Ten hard boiled eggs to peel and only a few minutes remaining on the timer. As I begin to crack the eggs, pieces of shell opted to remain on the eggs! NO!!!!!

Working as quickly as I could to beat the clock, I really didn’t take notice of the eggs appearance as I rushed to remove the shells. After all, I was the only one eating them this week for breakfast. Unlike an episode of a “Chopped”, plating didn’t count in this competition.

“Eggs-aspirated”, the clock won the challenge. I was “beaten” by some eggs. How ironic. Memo to self: never include hard boiled eggs in a 20-minute challenge!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Menu planning is key to a successful frugal budget. Meal planning promotes using all your ingredients, eliminates waste while keeping costs down .                                                                        
                                                                        A Jar of Hard Boiled Eggs
                                                           Turkey Vegetable Chili
                                                                    Pasta Salad
                                                            Three Types of Beans

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