Sunday, July 20, 2014


The moment you realize you have that ever embarrassing, most humiliating “egg on your face”.

Those moments [yes, more than once] seemed to come most often when Mother’s Little Helpers were teens.

It’s not enough that I was perceived as not “all knowing” but I had a reputation to live up to.

I don’t think my teens were much different from other teens. Trying to pull one over on one’s parents is a rite of passage of all teens, regardless of the generation. With technology, I think it will be a little harder for Grandmother’s Little Helpers though.

I must admit, I was pretty good at figuring out their little ploys and kept the “egg on my face” moments to a minimum.

Except for those lost DMB tickets. For non-millennial readers, that would be Dave Matthew Band.

What began as a nice gesture turned into a calamity in the amount of time that it takes for a coat of paint to dry on four walls.

The tickets were on Mother’s Little Helpers dresser when the project began so they had to be moved or they would get ruined by paint. At the end of the day, the bedroom was coated in fresh paint and I was coated in “egg on my face”.

You see, the tickets were gone. I mean, as in “nowhere to be found” gone.

To this day, the tickets never turned up. Anytime an item goes missing, I now refer to it as GWDMB. [Gone With Dave Matthew Band].

I had to make good on what I lost. Do you know how expensive purchasing DMB tickets are at the last minute through one of those scalpers, I mean ticket brokers? Let’s just say, not one of my more frugal moments. 

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: A large tray of eggplant parmesan will yield more servings if side dishes of pasta or bread go along with it. In my “cook once, eat twice” philosophy; I bake the eggplant slices so that the oven does the work and not my aging feet. Plus, it is a healthier version than fried eggplant. Part of the tray is served with pasta; leftovers as a sandwich for dinner another night. Eggplant parmesan freezes well, so give this one a try!                                                 
                                       BAKED EGGPLANT SLICES


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