Thursday, July 10, 2014


"I'm Chiquita banana and I've come to say - Bananas have to ripen in a certain way”.

For those who may not recognize this, it’s the first line to a most popular jingle released by the Chiquita Banana Company almost seventy years ago.

How about Harry Belafonte’s “Day-O” song, aka “The Banana Boat” song? 

Then there is the “Yes, We Have No Bananas” song.

Just in case you thought songs about bananas were only written for a generation of baby boomers, bands such as Radiohead and singer Jack Johnson have dedicated tunes to the fruit best known for growing in the tropics.

Now, I have nothing against other fruits. There is a song about… apples. There is one by the Osmond's, “One Bad Apple”. Another song by Bobby Goldsboro was about little green apples.

Presidents of the United States of America had a song in the late 90’s about “Peaches”.  Millennial readers may remember their song “Lump”. I dare say most millennial parents remember neither.

All this to say that when I want a song with appeal, bananas will win, hands down. When wanting fruit with appeal, don’t let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Soft or overripe fruit can be either frozen or cooked depending on the fruit. Frozen bananas can be used in smoothies or for baked goods. Apples can be cooked down to apple sauce and frozen. Applesauce is a healthy substitute for oil in baked goods. Overripe strawberries sprinkled with sugar will yield a summer syrup for ice cream or cake.  Decrease food waste by carving out those brown spots and consuming the remaining fruit instead of tossing it into trash.


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