Friday, July 11, 2014


A grocery challenge. It shakes up my grocery shopping so that I can appreciate my blessings.

Have I pared down my spending as far as I can go? Although, I often wonder if I can go $10 lower. As prices in dairy, citrus and meat keep rising, I haven’t found the right time to try that challenge.
Instead, I came up with a challenge to only purchase the “just essentials” this month.
My meat and health/beauty/detergent stockpile is solid so unless I see a steal of a deal, my goal is to limit my spending to the “essentials”.
Each week, those essential grocery items for me, include fruit and vegetables. They fluctuate depending on the sale.
I’m hoping to find some green peppers this month. They freeze well and are usually in abundance during the summer months.
Periodically, my staple of root vegetables depletes and that will be one focus of July. Carrots, celery, potatoes, garlic, onions are low. They have been added to the list.
We consume soup for dinner on Tuesday evenings. If I can find zucchini, fresh corn and eggplant, that would be a bonus for my soup recipes.
An assessment of my refrigerator staples indicates that the supply of butter, eggs, milk and orange juice are running low as well. They are on the list.
My list for the month is ready. It’s time to review the ads and see what’s on sale to replenish my supplies.
Who knows, maybe this will be the month that I can shave off that extra $10 from my shopping budget!
SOUND THE BULGE! Today’s tip: Due to droughts earlier this year in various parts of the country, fruit prices and certain meat prices have escalated. Know your prices and when you see a good deal, scoop it up! Eating vegetarian one night or having soup will help keep your weekly dinner meal price lower as well.




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