Saturday, September 6, 2014


I delight in going back home to visit family. My dad is an octogenarian and has all his wits about himself. For 87 years of age, he can rock a budget with the best of them.

His checkbook is balanced down to the penny without the use of apps. His two feet are his "mobile device" that takes him to the bank to check on his financial affairs. I mentioned earlier in a post that dad does not pay for TV. His idea of “cable” is the wire that leads from the TV to the electrical outlet for the plug.

Each time I visit, I’m drawn to his stockpile. One time, it was aluminum foil. It could be toothpaste. It could be paper towels. It could be cereal.

Yes, cereal.

I know some are not in favor of processed foods but he’s made it this far eating cold cereal from a box every morning for breakfast. He tells me twice a week, he'll eat eggs.

When I was growing up, corn flakes were his favorite. I can remember seeing coupons piled on the dining room table ready for mom’s grocery list. Then boxes and boxes of corn flakes would appear at the house. In his older years, he began stockpiling raisin bran cereal.

At the most recent visit, the count was 15 boxes of raisin bran cereal.

Dad is a cereal stockpiler. His philosophy is when the price is right and he has a coupon, he restocks his supply of cereal. It has a long shelf life, he tells me. Based on what I can see of dad, he does too. Here’s to dad’s continued good health!

SOUND THE BULGE! Today’s tip: Instead of using bread crumbs as a topping for fish or chicken or pork, try crushed cereal flakes. After dredging your protein in egg wash, dip in crushed corn flakes and bake.

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