Saturday, August 30, 2014



Mind games. I need to play them in my head each month to get the most out of my allotted money for groceries and health/beauty products.

July was for “just essentials” and August was austerity month.

I managed to spend every last penny in August as two unexpected but terrific sales with coupons came up in the last week of the month. On a positive note, I didn’t overspend and this week’s spending is tomorrow’s savings.

That brings me to September. I need to slice off $10 from the budget this month.

You see, I have squirreled away $90 since January and I want to round this amount up to an even $100. I looked over my accounts and no other account can help me except food/groceries/HBA.

All I have to do is not spend $2.50/wk and I’ll meet my goal of shaving and saving ten dollars.

In my head, this sounds so easy to do. Buy one less of something that costs $2.50 and mission accomplished, right? Why is this so hard to do!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Use cash when shopping. Cash has its limitations. When you are out of cash, you can’t make that added purchase. When using the credit card, it is easier to make that added purchase. When you need to control spending, try cash. It’s a bit old-fashioned but it forces thoughtful spending.
                                             JARS OF SPENDING
                                       One for each week of the month

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