Thursday, September 11, 2014


My Little Grand Helper has two fish. His tale first began with one fish. Then two fish.

This is beginning to sound like the Dr. Seuss story book “One Fish, Two Fish”. These are not red fish or blue fish. These are goldfish.

One Saturday afternoon, the goldfish left the Pet Palace and found a new swimming home at the Little Grand’s home. As goldfish will often do, this one did not acclimate well to his new surroundings.

His parents had to quickly develop a relatable theory as to why the new little fish was no longer in his new home.

Before he knew it, his one fish was replaced with two fish. When two fish were not enough, he asked for one more. But alas, his parents did not grant his wish.

And this is where his story ends.

Well, it's not a good fish tale unless it has that one fish that got away!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Do you need a new idea on how to use a box of macaroni and cheese? Once prepared, take leftovers and convert it to soup. The cheese-flavored pasta is cooked. Add broth and a thickening agent (cornstarch or flour) with milk for a creamy taste. Use leftovers [or not] such as broccoli or tiny meatballs to enhance both flavor and to extend the number of servings for cream of macaroni and cheese soup. Season to taste and serve!

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