Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Being frugal is about using up an item, leaving nothing to waste. It also means stretching to find a way to extend the use of a product.

Some small Greek yogurt containers are sold as yogurt with an attached compartment of fruit topping or honey. My imagination ran away from me!

On any given day, my lunch box is packed with either English Muffins, oatmeal pancakes, a banana or homemade waffles for my mid-morning snack. Transporting honey or syrup was messy until I decided to tuck the yogurt topping into my lunch box with my morning snack.

Upon arriving home from grocery shopping, I grab my scissors and cut along the demarcation line and separate the yogurt from the topping. One item, two different functions. Vanilla yogurt can be drizzled with caramel topping for dessert but the honey or fruit topping can be for my English Muffins, waffles or pancakes!

It's portable, it's tidy, it's self contained and no extra utensils to wash!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today's tip: Although purchasing the larger tubs of yogurt may appear more economical, compare the cost of the large tub with the small 5.3 oz containers when you have coupons and a sale. It may be that it is actually more economical to buy the smaller containers than one large one.

                                       Four containers of blueberry topping

One container ready for dissection

                                                       Waffle with honey topping


                                                       Waffle with blueberry topping

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