Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Oh gosh!  How many times did Mother’s Little Helpers utter the words “I’m bored” when they were youngsters?  I wish I had a nickel, as the saying goes, for every time that phrase came out of the mouths of those babes.

If Old Mother Frugal recited those words when she was a youngster, Old Grandmother Frugal would say “If you have nothing to do, I can find something for you to do”.  It usually was not fun and it always required an expenditure of much energy on my part. Dusting the baseboards around the house.  Ironing the pillowcases.  Drying the dishes.  Hanging the wash to dry. Folding the laundry.

Obviously, Old Mother Frugal’s boredom was to be relieved by any chore Old Grandmother Frugal did not care to do, or so it would seem. Keeping busy was key to avoiding unwarranted chores. If not busy, it was equally obvious that there was a chore to be done, you just didn’t know it!

To this day, Old Mother Frugal has to stay busy.  There is a reel going ‘round and around inside her head “if you have nothing to do, I can find something for you to do”.  There are lists of sticky “Post It” notes on the refrigerator, the kitchen cabinets, the counter top, the oven door and even a list stuck to coupon box for shopping. Lists of busy work because with aging, Old Mother Frugal can’t possibly remember everything!

It was well into adulthood before Old Mother Frugal understood the lesson she learned about boredom and staying busy.  Productivity improves one’s self-esteem.  A sense of “mission accomplished” is a sense of pride.  Old Grandmother Frugal knew that you can’t put a dollar price on something like that.

Sound the Bugle: Today’s tip – when life seems crowded with chores and busy work, set a block of time to allow yourself to work on that task.  Write down what needs to be done. Organize the list as which to do first, then second and multi-task whenever possible!  

                                       COOKING ON ALL BURNERS

                                         LET APPLIANCES DO ALL THE WORK

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