Friday, October 17, 2014


Very early on in my childhood, frequently overheard were the expressions, “a penny saved is a penny earned” and “didn’t have two nickels to rub together”.

The adage, “a penny saved is a penny earned” implied it was better to save your money than to spend it right away. Not having two nickels to rub together implied someone had no money.

If you didn’t save your money, you wouldn’t have two nickels and this began my first lesson about money and indirectly, about frugality.

Reinforcing that message was watching my dad count his coins from his metal mailbox bank. I loved that bank. It was a miniature replica of a stand-alone mailbox. The kind one would see on the street corners, back in the day. For him, it was a very appropriate vehicle to use to collect his coins. He spent his entire career as a letter carrier.

The other place dad found money was in the Sunday newspaper. Yes, dad has been couponing for decades. He will coupon for himself, for Old Mother Bugle and for Mother’s Little Helpers.

Te acorn didn’t fall from the old oak tree. Just yet another one of those frequently overheard sayings when growing up!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Some banking establishments have promoted “Save the Change” accounts but without careful monitoring, this costs money instead of saving money. Find a coffee mug or a mason jar or piggy bank to deposit your change every day. Count your coins when the container is full for some exciting, unexpected savings!
                                                     TOTAL: $16.50


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