Saturday, October 11, 2014


When Mother’s Little Helpers were younger, they could always tell when Old Mother Bugle was upset about something. Suddenly, it was time for housecleaning! There was nothing like vacuuming and cleaning counter tops to release that inner angst.

As they grew older, going for a long brisk walk was a good way to release the inner turmoil and those happy endorphin hormones.

Then as I grew older, a third technique came along. I would have a huge collection had I not destroyed them. Letters to me.

Many a sleepless night were spent at 2AM or 3AM writing a letter or a note that contained my thoughts whether it was resolving a problem or scribing thoughts to someone who would never read them. It felt good to release the turmoil within.

Simmering emotions is like meat in a crock pot. In the end, all you have done is stew.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: A technique to save money on meat is to buy whole food. When purchasing a whole boneless pork loin, ask the butcher to cut it into your specifications. One way to cook any unattractive end pieces is to make cubes for stew. Add vegetables and pork cubes to a crock pot and simmer on low for 6 to 8 hours. It’s best served the next day when the flavors have a chance to blend with each other. It makes for an economical meal using those end pieces and leftovers, if you have any, makes a very tasty soup!


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