Friday, August 8, 2014


The nursery tune starts out something like this…The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout. Go ahead, sing along. Now add some hand and finger motion. You’ve got it!

Several weeks ago, an itsy bitsy spider went up my leg causing all kinds of havoc to my immune system. Infection set in and medical care was on the horizon.
Being a Sunday, options were limited but I have a favorite urgent care facility that I frequent in times of emergencies. My self-diagnosis was correct; it was my timing that was wrong. Sunday night.
With prescription in hand, the search began for a pharmacy to fill the antibiotic. Over the river and through the woods, DH and I searched every corner pharmacy and grocery store for miles looking for an open pharmacy.
We must have traveled a total of 10 or more miles before finding a 24-hour CVS. At this point, feeling ill and needing to start this antibiotic immediately, I shed my frugal ways and was willing to pay “whatever” to begin the healing process.
“Whatever” cost $52 and change. Ouch. The cure was as painful to swallow as the pain of the spider bite.
Three days and 3 pills later, I developed an allergic reaction to the expensive antibiotic.
My favorite urgent care facility to the rescue once again! The antibiotic was changed and because it was a weekday during daytime hours, I was able to get a better price for my new prescription medication. This one cost $8 and change. What a huge difference.
During emergencies, you are at both the mercy and appreciation of folks who work weekends and “off-shift” hours. Having a small rainy day emergency fund was designed just for such occasions!
SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: For coupons on prescriptions medications, try using Some pharmacies will match Costco prices. You do not need to be a member of Costco to use their pharmacy to get a good price on prescription medication. Keep a list handy of pharmacies that are open “after-hours”. It will save you in time and gas to know where to go in an emergency. Finally, find pharmacies with $4 prescriptions or grocery store pharmacies, such as Publix, which has a list of FREE prescription medications. Keep healthy, stay frugal!

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