Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Fresh on the heels of “Just Essentials July” comes an austere August.

Expenses can suddenly appear, often referred to as emergencies, or they can be foreseen well in advance.

Although with good intentions money is budgeted for the foreseen expenses, it does not always turn out that way.

To meet foreseen goals and expenses, I offer a month of austerity. August is that month for me.

When Mother’s Little Helpers were school-aged children, August was a constant series of writing checks. Daily. One after the other. Back-to-school supplies, the PTA contribution, the after-school activities, outfits for school, school lunch program and on and on.

One approach to the after-school whirlwind was to rotate children out of sports. When most families were an “all in” approach, in our home Mother’s Little Helpers had to take turns playing sports.

First, Old Mother Hubbard here was outnumbered. Three of them, one of me. Logistically, even with creative carpooling, I could not always juggle all three.

Secondly, there was the cost of spending hundreds of dollars for a short, six-week session of something. Multiply times two or times three.

Lastly, there was something of a lesson to be learned by waiting your turn. In a world of immediacy and instant gratification, there was the challenge of teaching patience to Little Helpers.

Being part of a family means being part of a team. Sometimes, being part of a team means you have to sit on the bench. Incorporating sports lessons into family life may just help you with your frugal budget.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: To shave some dollars from those bills, it may require less spending on food, turning up the thermostat in summer, fewer new outfits,  creative financing such as taking turns with after-school activities and selective cable channels to run a household budget.


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