Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The 80's were a blur of Sesame Street, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood and Muppets episodes; big hair with horrible perms and potty training. I was married with three children.

The diaper budget became the pre-school budget. That in turn became the grade school tuition budget; which then became the high school budget and in four years that became the college tuition budget.

Well, with modest to severe increases in costs along the way. Each child had their own diaper budget. I recall the pediatrician promising the children would be out of diapers before graduating from college. She was right, they were. Their diaper funds however hung around for 29 years.

The 80's were also a time of corporate relocations. After leaving New York the day after graduation for married life, there were two tours in New England, short stays in the Southwest and Pacific Northwest before landing in the Southeast for "18 months", an assignment that has lasted for well over 20 years.

And that diaper budget? The first grandchild was born after our last child graduated from college. Every so often, I'll buy a box of diapers and reminisce on how it all began....

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today's tip. Bloom where you are planted! While planted, consider growing your own herbs and vegetables. It will yield a bounty of green and "greens" for your budget.

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