Sunday, March 23, 2014


My birthing years we so last century, or so I thought. Yesterday, I birthed a blog, 40 years of gestation is a long time. My past has catapulted me into my future.

I spent the 1970's getting an education in high school, was an editor of my (defunct) Catholic high school newspaper and a nursing student at a Catholic women's college.

Nursing instructors were a different breed. "Hard core", "badass" and "mean girls" were theoretically part of their teaching philosophy, long before those term became part of today's vernacular. They preferred to call it the "weeding out process".

One spring semester, the nutrition instructor tasked us to feed a husband and wife on only $50/week. We were assigned to log "three squares a day" for a week, keeping to religious and cultural traditions for meal prep. Mine? Italian wife, Jewish husband. I grabbed my dad's weekly store ads and did my homework.

And so it began, my journey into frugality. It was the most useful college assignment in all my college years.

Pouring hours and hours into nursing care plans on weekends has morphed to pouring over store ads on weekends to maintain living on a food/grocery budget for years to come. Thankfully, the later was much more fun and requires much less time than those care plans!

SOUND THE BUGLE!  Today's tip is to find the "lost leader" item in your store's ad. Usually located on page 1, it is an item or items the store is willing to sell for less to draw you in, to shop at their store. 

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