Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Yes, followers, it's been awhile.

Since last we met here in the blogosphere, Old Mother Frugal's family is growing up. 

Mother's Little Helpers are having little helpers of their own and formulating their own tastes and opinions.

In the role of Old Nona Frugal, there are many more concessions yielded to the Grand Little Helpers than, let's say, there were to their parents...aka Mother's Little Helpers.

When Mother's Little Helpers didn't want to eat a meal, there really weren't many options.

When Grand Little Helpers don't want to eat a meal, it's more like bring out the menu of possibilities from which to choose.

Such was the case recently when serving Grand Little Helper a favorite lunch item.

Tomato soup and grilled cheese. This classic combination has been enjoyed by many for generations. It's nice to see it carried into the next generation and a new decade as well!

Being old-school, Old Mother Frugal grabbed the index box of recipes and a can of diced tomatoes from the cupboard shelf and went to the stove to make some soup out of the can of tomatoes. 

The kitchen smelled wonderful. Grand Little Helper was busy playing and paying no mind to the aroma wafting through the atmosphere.

Time to make the grilled cheese sandwich. 

A slice of mild cheddar, nothing too strong to be offensive to the young palate. Two slices so bread. Onto to stove to get all melty and gooey.

How would Grand Little Helper like the sandwich cut? No cutting required.

Good to know!
Time to plate the lunch. 

Soup ladled into a personally selected bowl. Uncut sandwich on a plate. A plastic cup with milk. Old Mother Frugal enjoyed lunch that day. 

Grand Little Helper enjoyed a sandwich of peanut butter and grape jelly. 

Favorites, tried and true as they are, can only be lovingly served up by mom. The ladle has been passed to the next generation in the new decade.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today's tip: Homemade tomato soup is easy and economical to make and a great base for other soups. With the leftover tomato soup, add white beans such as Great Northern Beans/Navy/Cannelloni and a pasta for a complete meal. Tomatoes, beans as your protein and pasta for your carb. Another option: toasted bread and with a cookie cutter to cut-out a heart shape (you can cut-out any shape: shamrocks, bunnies, pumpkins, etc) and place it on top of the soup. The possibilities are soup-mendous!

                                              BASIC TOMATO SOUP 


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