Thursday, April 27, 2017


Easter Sunday has come and gone but the hard boiled eggs still remained.

At some point, you may have done this too…boiled a dozen or more eggs in anticipation of decorating said eggs for an egg hunt that never happened or to have as an activity to keep the children busy while the adults prepare dinner.

Old Mother Frugal stocked up on large eggs right before Easter this year.  The prices were amazingly low.  With an overabundance of eggs that can be frozen, Old Mother Frugal had no qualms about what to do with so many eggs.  If need be, they would go into the freezer.

In advance of the Old Mother Frugal’s Grand Little Helpers visit, a dozen eggs were boiled and left in their shells awaiting dye and glitter.  The Grand Little Helpers were so busy with each other that time came and went while the eggs remained in the refrigerator. 

Slowly but surely, the eggs found their place in a variety of recipes.  Sliced hard boiled eggs on a tossed salad or hard boiled eggs made into deviled eggs.

Towards the end, the remaining eggs were transformed into an egg salad for a sandwich lunch.  A little mayo mixed with a little relish and a squirt of mustard topped with fresh ground pepper.  Viola! 

Ready to smear the mixture between two slice of soft, white bread so that with one bite it would stick to the roof of the mouth in need of a glass of milk to wash it down. 

But there was no bread.  No bread?  No bread.  No one was around to witness the figuratively “egg on the face” embarrassing moment. Phew!

There were crackers. When craving an egg salad “sandwich”, crackers were not an appealing option.

A scavenger hunt ensued in the freezer and refrigerator. There they were….a stack of pancakes. The light bulb was not only on in the refrigerator but also in Old Mother Frugal’s head.  Why not make a pancake sandwich!?!

Why not indeed!

It was a little messy. There was little room for spreading the chunky egg salad on silver dollar-sized pancakes.  But in the end, the egg salad mixture was salvaged into a uniquely delicious lunch sandwich.

Bread, on the other hand, can now be found on Old Mother Frugal’s shopping list.

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip:  If you have a surplus of egg , consider freezing them for a later time.  The “Incredible Edible Egg” website is a wonderful resource for such an idea.  Check it out at  It contains eggs-actly what you need to know about freezing eggs!

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