Sunday, July 6, 2014


One morning, I wondered how much could be accomplished in 33 minutes.

It may appear to be an odd amount of time but that’s how long it was going to take to bake a cake. The preparation of the cake would take 3 minutes but the baking would take a good half hour. The challenge was on!

I ran upstairs to toss wet laundry in the dryer for 5 minutes. Back downstairs in the kitchen, the cake mix is prepared and into the oven. Back up a flight of stairs and toss the contents of the dryer into the laundry basket. Next, head to the back room to hang up the laundry.

Drying clothes for 5 minutes seems to be sufficient time to allow for wrinkles not to set in when hanging clothes to dry. I’m not sure why or how, but it works!

There are 21 minutes left on the timer. Time to start a meal for dinner this week!

Do I need rice this week? I think not, so I skip rice at this point and start an entrée. But if I wanted rice, I would start it now. It would take 20 minutes.

My grandmother would make for us kids her version of hot dogs. When my grandmother cooked, everything contained tomato sauce, even hot dogs. I began by peeling two potatoes and an onion. Chopped both into small cubes and tossed into olive oil with garlic to get them browning and cooking. Chop a green pepper and toss that in as well.

Meanwhile, I glance over to the counter and the pineapple needs to be cut. I tackle carving while cooking potatoes and onion with garlic. Done!

Next, red beans need to be cooked in the pressure cooker. Those will take 8 minutes and onto the stove top they go!

Grabbed a package of hot dogs from the refrigerator. It’s a real treat for me to eat those given how laden they are with sodium. I’ll only need four. While there, I reached for a jar of tomato sauce. A large tablespoons worth is all that would be needed and into the pan it went with the sliced hot dogs. Season with pepper. Cook until heated through as the timer on the oven begins to beep. Time’s up.

My 33-minutes have expired and the cake has baked to perfection. My kitchen counter has a spread of my accomplishments, minus the laundry which is hanging in the upstairs back bedroom. In a few hours, I’ll spread some frosting and coconut on the vanilla cake and have dessert for the week. Now the rest of the day is for fun!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Multi-tasking condenses chores into a smaller block of time. Is laundry getting away from you? While laundry is in the machine, do another chore. You’ll find that both are done at the same time and it required no extra time on your part!
                                       THE 33 MINUTE CHALLENGE
A 9 x13 cake
One pineapple cubed
Pineapple flavored water
3 cups of cooked red beans
Grandma's Hot Dogs

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