Friday, June 6, 2014


Not all my grocery shopping takes place at the grocery store. Sometimes, I find some really great deals at the national drug store chains.

Every week, I scour the ads of Walgreens, CVS and Rite-Aid to see what food and grocery items they are offering as sale items for the week.

About every 6 – 8 weeks, Walgreens is good for an egg sale. A good sale on eggs these days seems to be $1.29/dozen but a great sale on eggs at Walgreens is 99 cents/dozen!

One particular week, Walgreens was selling Butterball Turkey Bacon, the 16 slice size for $1.49. When I checked my coupons, there was one for 65 cents!

Yes, my package of bacon cost 88 cents with tax!

For dietary reasons, I carefully dole out when I use those 16 slices of bacon. Bacon waffles? Layered atop a meatloaf? BLT wraps! That purchase was a deal for both price and flavor! With the price of pork bacon, turkey bacon is a gobble-worthy substitute!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: When I think of bacon, I also think of eggs. Did you know you can freeze eggs? You can freeze egg whites, egg yolks, the whole egg and hard-boiled eggs. Instructions can be found on the internet. Stock up and freeze!


  1. CVS will sell Bumble Bee Solid White Tuna in water for .99, occasionally .88. My pantry is filled with tuna.

  2. Good tip, anonymous! Thank you for sharing!
