Wednesday, May 13, 2015


There is an expression that calls to mind all the times Old Mother Frugal performed a service or prepared a meal that had multiple steps in its preparation. A “labor of love” is work done for interest in the work, rather than for payment.

When growing up, there were stories told by mom of ironing handkerchiefs, pillow cases, sheets and undergarments. Undergarments? That speaks to a “labor of love”!

Ironing shirts. That speaks to a “labor of love”. It’s a service that one can pay for but it’s an expense that can be eliminated in the effort to save money. Yes, Old Mother Frugal irons shirts. It is something to admire when nicely pressed shirts hang neatly aligned from the closet rod.

As a guest in my son’s home recently, he made biscuits and gravy from scratch. From browning the pork for the homemade white country gravy to nearly grating off his fingerprints on the cold, frozen butter for the biscuits…homemade biscuits are a “labor of love”. One can taste the love when they came out of the oven.

Four years ago, while in my local CVS store at Christmas time, an animal waffle iron sat on the shelf. I had Extra Care Bucks from CVS and a valuable coupon to be used on a non-sale item, so the animal waffle iron found its way to my kitchen shelf.

These animal waffles are served plain; with peanut butter or syrupy dip because that is how the little pre-schooler and toddlers in my family like them. Making animal waffles are not only a “labor of love” but a taste of love as well.

So when you are cooking or baking that special something, “love” is that secret yet intangible ingredient to be enjoyed by all!

SOUND THE BUGLE: Today’s tip: Find your favorite waffle recipe, make a stack of waffles and freeze them. They can be plain, made with fruit, pecans, chocolate chips or crispy bacon. Out of taco shells? Try using a waffle as a substitute for your taco shell. Not only do they make a great breakfast but they can also be used at dessert as a waffle sandwich filled with ice cream.




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