Sunday, December 14, 2014


When the Mother’s Little Helpers were youngsters, Old Mother Frugal was always ready with two cents of advice. Most of the time it was unsolicited advice but that was not a deterrent.

Youngsters became teenagers and still the unsolicited advice continued, offering two cents worth on a variety of topics and issues.

Along the way, it became clear that advice was not always the answer. Sometimes, silence went further than advice. Sometimes it made more “sense” to listen than offer two cents.

Imparting advice on saving money was part of the repertoire. Life throws curveballs and one never knows what financial crisis looms ahead. A text message isn’t going to come along that announces “financial crisis coming on Monday”.

That is why stockpiling is important. To get most for your money, buying sale items means your money will go farther.

Before companies began to shrink their products, laundry detergent would wash 40 loads of laundry. Due to product shrinkage, now 32 loads of laundry are washed for the same price. Fortunately, Old Mother Frugal’s laundry room has several months of 40 loads of laundry detergent.

Recently, a retail drug store chain advertised 18-pack laundry detergent “2 for $4.00”. There was a coupon for $2 off 2 packs and thus began a new stockpile.

Upon checking out at the register, reward points were available on the customer loyalty card; two packs cost a total of 28 cents. The regular retail price was $5.99 each. With additional coupons, I was able to purchase additional 18-packs for $1 each. Now you have my [unsolicited] two cents on stockpiling!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Pull yourself away from your favorite “brand” product and find additional savings in your wallet. A sale usually lasts a week long although the “3-day sale” seems to be popular too. It may be worth trying a different “brand” product and if you like it, return to the store before the sale is over to purchase additional items of that product. It’s not a good deal if you are not happy with the quality, so try it before you decide if you like it!


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