Saturday, March 29, 2014


New England craft fairs in the autumn are, well, as American as hot dogs, apple pie and the 4th of July. My DH worked for a company that hosted an annual employee craft fair every year in the fall.

The fair was open to the public, but only employees and family members could sell their products at the fair.
One year, I decided to enter the craft fair and convinced my BFF to join me in this insane adventure. We were going to sell pies, lots of pies. Made and baked from scratch. There was flour in the air, flour in our hair, there was flour everywhere!

There were two varieties: Apple and pumpkin. What was I thinking? Bushels of apples to peel. Well, that was how it felt. 
If memory serves me, the fair was held on Saturday and Sunday. We had to bake all day Friday and when we were done, there must have been several dozen homemade pies lining my dining room table.
The pies sold fast. But more than making and baking pies that day in New England, memories and a friendship were made that have lasted long after the pies were sold.

SOUND THE BUGLE: Today’s tip: Much like the pies, doing one task many times over saves time. Take half a loaf of bread and place the slices on a towel on your counter or kitchen table. In assembly line fashion, spread peanut butter on each of the slices. Proceed to add a thin layer of jam. Assemble your PB&J sandwich. Wrap. Store all sandwiches in the plastic bread sleeve and freeze. Use as needed for lunch, snacks before soccer practice or road trips. By the time you are ready to eat, the sandwich is defrosted.


This has worked well for guacamole sandwiches as well as grilled tuna melts and grilled turkey/Swiss. Enjoy your lunch, along with the time and money saved by trying this idea!

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