Tuesday, April 12, 2016


When the youngest of Mother’s Little Helpers was in grade school, he had a fascination for bowling. 

Something that began as a summertime fun at the local bowling alley turned into an after-school activity when the school year began that Fall.

Like any sport that he played, he went after it will great gusto and became pretty good at it. Instead of driving to the soccer fields or baseball fields that year, we drove to the bowling alley on Saturday mornings.

Memories of a trophy that were half the size of my little bowler remain with Old Mother Frugal to this day as “bowling” has crept into my cooking cuisine.

Rice bowls, that is!

Have you heard of them? In place of taco bowls where one would use a flour or corn tortilla as the vehicle for serving a taco in a bowl, the ingredients are served over rice.

The bottom layer of the rice bowl is, well, rice. Pat cooled rice on the bottom and along the side of a bowl.

Then start the process of layering taco ingredients with seasoned beef/chicken/pork or refried beans topping the rice. If you start with meat, next add beans . If you start with beans, next add meat. Then continue with your favorite topping such as tomatoes, cheese, guacamole, shredded lettuce, sour cream and/or olives.

What makes this dish so versatile is that you can use whatever taco ingredients you have on hand as there is no set recipe for its success. Each family member can create their own favorite rice bowls allowing Mother’s Little Helpers the opportunity to make their own meals.

Score some points with your family and give this idea a try!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: To line the rice along with bottom and sides of the bowl, slightly wet your fingertips so that the rice does not stick to your fingers and interfere with your ability to press the rice into a bowl formation.
                                     BOTTOM LAYER OF RICE BOWL