Friday, February 7, 2020


Old Mother Frugal was tidying up the kitchen when a jar of brown lentils was almost overlooked because there were so few of them inside the jar.

When measured in a cup, there were half-cup of brown lentils. Not worth the space it was taking up on the shelf… so began the hunt for a recipe.

Unsure of what to do with them, veggie burgers came to mind.

Plant-based foods seem to be a popular dietary option these days for both health and budgetary reasons. Plant-based burgers being very popular.

Having no time to complete the entire process in one day, the lentils were cooked one day and the burgers assembled the next day. Lentils don’t need to be soaked which is a great time saver. Rinse. Cook. Done.

Old Mother Frugal really doesn’t like to waste ingredients and since this was an experimental recipe, only half the recipe was made. 

Not to mention there were only enough brown lentils to make half the recipe!

The other bean in this recipe, garbanzo beans. Only one-quarter cup was needed.  There was a small amount of leftover Minestrone Soup in the fridge. Spoon in hand, Old Mother Frugal picked out all the garbanzo beans for the lentil-chick pea burger recipe.

Once assembled, these three burgers went into the fridge to firm up for easier handling.

The next morning, one burger was pulled out for breakfast. Laid on a bed of greens and topped with a poached egg, it was an attractive and delicious breakfast item.

Lunch time came along and a burger was removed from the fridge and served on a sandwich thin “bun” with tomatoes, pickle slices and ketchup. Another successful meal!

With one burger left, it found its way to the freezer to experiment on how well plant-based, homemade burgers freeze. If it passes the test, the next time this recipe is prepared, making the full recipe will become an option. Use what is needed, freezing the rest.

They were good. They were versatile. They were inexpensive. They will be worked into the rotation of budget-friendly, health food options in the future!  Shout out to the website of Cookie and Kate for their Lentil-Chick Pea Burger recipe!

SOUND THE BUGLE! Today’s tip: Another use for brown lentils is to make them as Sloppy Joes. Much more affordable than using ground beef when having Sloppy Joes on your menu!  Lentils also work well mixed with ground beef to stretch a meatloaf mixture. Beyond cost, there is the bonus of added fiber and nutrients in your diet as well.